Greetings Destiny Friends,

We all have desires, dreams, passions, interest and “causes” which we hold dear to our heart. Just like we have different taste buds, we also have varieties of food. And as the old adage says, one man’s food is another man’s poison.

In the journey of life, we all have a race we must run, and nobody will run the race for anyone but oneself. Just like a newborn baby has to learn how to crawl, stand, talk, walk and then run, so also, we all have a role to play when it comes to possessing our possession and achieving our desires.

According to some schools of thought, given every equal opportunity, everybody is a potential achiever, this is because we don’t have dull brains, only brains undeveloped. As human beings, sometimes, we tend to believe our environment, human beings and circumstances are the cause of our misery, but then we fail to realize we have our race to run just like every other being.

If you’ll agree with me, there’s nothing like luck; luck is simply opportunity meeting preparation. If you are not prepared and an opportunity presents itself, you’ll lose it. Therefore, It’s always good to have something and not need it, than having the need for something and not have it.

In the course of this article, we shall be discussing many reasons why we lose out on opportunities and how we can ignite our faith to possess our possessions. Luck and opportunities are like breeze, it comes to everyone. Sometimes, we have these opportunities without knowing; sometimes, we have to create it by attracting it. There are many reasons we lose out on opportunities, and that explains why we must ignite our faith.


The number one killer of success and opportunities is procrastination. Procrastination can be safely regarded as a death sentence for lazy minds. If you’re desirous of making giant strides, the first step to ignite your faith is to avoid procrastination. As mentioned earlier, we all have dreams, passions, interests and causes we are passionate about, but sometimes we are lazy to do the needful. To ignite your faith, you must kick out procrastination from not only your mind, but from your life. Cut off from anyone or anything that saps your energy from moving forward.

A simple way of avoiding procrastination is by asking yourself, what if I decide to submit my application today as opposed to waiting tomorrow; or meet a friend/mentor today as opposed to waiting for a perfect time? Chances are you can be told, assuming your application was submitted yesterday, you would have been selected for the job because you’re resume and personality is what both the organization and job require.

Also, your friend/mentor might tell he was thinking you’ll stop by the previous day as you normally do on weekends, he would have introduced you to the Chief Executive Officer of a multinational national organization who you have always wished to meet or work with.


As human beings, sometimes we live in fear and that’s okay. However, we can ignite our faith by kicking out fear from our minds if we trust our beliefs and have faith in ourselves. Trust is a very strong quality and virtue to have. When you’re on a mission, it’s advisable to keep most of your plans to yourself and a few trusted friends. The world doesn’t need to know what you are up to, they’ll know when the plan is unveiled. You can sample their opinion, but remain steadfast on your vision.

Be bold to trust your judgments and have the courage to thread on uncommon paths which lesser minds find difficult to walk on.

When applying this trust, you must have very minimal doubt in your mind, and even if you have doubt or fear, exercise peace of mind, and you’re more than likely going to coast home to victory.

Look Past Your Circumstances

As human beings, it is normal to feel our circumstances affect our progress. Though there’s an element of truth in it however, it’s important to note that the world is not a fair place; it is how you make your bed that you’ll lie on it. If the world throws a lemon at you, you can make a lemonade out of it; if the world throws you pebbles, you can use it to build a house; if the world judges you, let them know they are not your creator and that no condition is permanent.

Please look past your circumstances, and ignite that faith lurking inside of you. Great minds look past their environment and the circumstances around then and they find reason to succeed.

Speak Up

There’s power in the spoken word. We can ignite our faith by speaking into existence, what we trust and desire in our life. However, it should be noted that talk is cheap if it is not backed with work/action. There have been testimonies of people who spoke about their life dreams and ambitions, and it came to pass. What most people don’t understand is that when you speak words into existence, the universe has a way of making it a reality by making sure the ground stamps it, the walls hears it and the air spreads it.

Today, I charge you to ignite your faith, passion, business, love, desires and whatsoever interest you need with your faith. Don’t look at the many reasons it won’t work; just look at one reason it will work. If you do so and it doesn’t work as planned, be rest assured, you have done your bit because that’s all that matters. By so doing, you’ll avoid living in regrets.

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York  City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator. He’s the author of the acclaimed book Design Your Destiny – Actualizing Your Birthright To Success and President of He can be reached via

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Henry Ukazu is a graduate of New York Law School. He is Founder and President at Global Empowerment & Mentoring Initiative. A trained life coach, prolific writer, and passionate youth advocate, he is also a highly sought-after public speaker. He is author of the acclaimed book, “Design Your Destiny- Actualizing Your Birthright to Success.


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