Dear Destiny Friends,

Money is a universal language, and highly revered by all. There’s no one on earth who can claim he doesn’t want money. Some love it. Some adore it while a whole lot of others worship it. Little wonder the Americans place a lot of premium on their dollar. An anonymous person was once quoted as saying that the ‘almighty dollar is the only object of worship’.

A famous American writer, Washington Irving, also noted that “The almighty dollar, that great object of universal devotion”. That is how much money is treasured among men. That is how much most men literally rever money.

My first mentor, who was my father, Chief Lazarus Ukazu, once said that ‘after God, money is the most important element in the world’, and there’s a limit to what people can do on earth without money.

Money operates with principles, which if followed, one will reap the fruit of his labour. Money operates with the principle of sowing and reaping. No matter how pious you are, there’s a limit of goodwill you can attract, especially if you don’t have value that will attract money to you.

The principle of money is universal. If you respect it, it will respect you; if you have value, you will attract it, and if you have good products and services as well as market them well to the right persons, you’ll attract money.

Every human being desires money because it helps to solve numerous problems if not all the problems in the world. Without money, there’s little one can do. Money helps to facilitate a lot of work and process. Without money it will be difficult to do good. Even the good Samaritan in the Bible had to use money to show love. Who knows who knows what would have happened to the attacked man if the Samaritan lacked money. In fact, the Bible made it abundantly clear that “money answereth all things”.

Despite the goodness of money however, it can’t solve all of man’s problems. The use of money is limited in some situations. For instance, one might be a billionaire, but has limited authority to influence a policy. Elon Musk is regarded as the richest man on earth with an estimated net worth of $245 billion dollars according to Forbes in 2024. If he decides to run for election as Senator, Governor, or President, do you think he can win? Well, that’s a subjective analysis. The current Mayor of New York, Eric Adams wasn’t as wealthy as some of his contemporaries during the election, but he won the election. That simply explains that money has limits.

According to Dr. Yomi Garnett, an accomplished Ghost Writer, “money will buy a bed, but not sleep. It will buy food but not appetite. It will buy amusement, not happiness. It will buy a house, not a home. Whether you have plenty or a little of money, always remember that it’s only a part of you. While money is representative of God’s abundance and is not evil, one must not be dominated by it. Remember also what Paul said, Godliness with contentment is great gain”.

Did you see that money is indeed limited. There are certain things money can do and cannot do. It’s sad to see uninformed men who think money is indeed everything. Despite the resourcefulness of money, there are certain people money can’t influence. For instance, majority of ladies can be wooed and lured with money, but it’s not all ladies’ money that can attract or buy. Some ladies feel disrespected when you try to lure them with money. Don’t get me wrong; ladies generally love money, but some are not fascinated with money as their love language. Money only makes sense to this set of people if they genuinely like you.

Just like some people’s love language is words affirmation, gift, services, physical touch and time, some people’s love language is money. When they see money, they tend to lose control of their senses. It’s important to state that we are meant to control money and not money controlling us. If money controls you, then you are a slave to money. Money is good no doubt, but it should be used to solve the needs of man.

Even men are not exempted from this philosophy. It’s not all men that money can buy. While some can be bribed cheaply, some can’t be bribed. This set of great minds are governed by integrity.

Furthermore, there are people who no matter how much money you have or how close you are to them, you can’t have them to work for you. Your prayer is for them to agree to work with you. These sets of great minds have developed high capacity, competence and capability, and more importantly, they are controlled by values and principles.

It’s truly sad to see people with the mindset that with money, they can literally have their way. These sets of people truly lack understanding because if they have understanding, they will realize that money is like air or fan. It will rotate to whoever it desires. Just like rain is everywhere, so it’s money everywhere. One just needs to know how to attract it in addition to making it work for you. In the same manner, a fan blows on everybody by rotating. So, if you have money today, it can leave you and visit another person. So, if you don’t manage it well, it will leave you and visit who will appreciate it.

Money works like respect, if you respect it, it will respect you, if you treat it with disdain, it will respond accordingly.

To understand how the limitation of money works, one must have contentment. It is with contentment one will understand how to humble money. This is because contentment makes a poor man rich, while greed makes a rich man poor. Isn’t it true that one of the secrets of happiness is deriving joy in what you have as opposed to wishing for what you don’t have.

In conclusion, no doubt the importance of money is priceless, however, we must be mindful of the passion, interest and desires we have for money. When we have excess desires, it can lead to overzealousness and when we have it in moderation, we will derive fulfillment and joy.

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator.  He’s the founder of Gloemi. He’s a Transformative Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate, creative writer and author of Design Your Destiny Design Your  and Unleash Your Destiny .  He can be reached via

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Henry Ukazu is a graduate of New York Law School. He is Founder and President at Global Empowerment & Mentoring Initiative. A trained life coach, prolific writer, and passionate youth advocate, he is also a highly sought-after public speaker. He is author of the acclaimed book, “Design Your Destiny- Actualizing Your Birthright to Success.

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