Dear Destiny Friends,
It’s with all pleasure that I wish to inform you that my second book titled Unleash Your Destiny – 50 Nuggets for Living A Purposeful and Impactful Life is ready for publication, and it will be out anytime soon. I know many of my esteemed friends and followers will be surprised to be hearing about it here for the first time. Well, sometimes, it’s good to keep certain information to the heart. As mentioned in my previous articles, in recent times, I have decided to speak less and let my actions and work speak for me. That’s why I decided to keep the best kept secret to my heart.
Some of you may be wondering why I chose to title the book Unleash Your Destiny. Well, the reason is not far-fetched. Since the publication of my first book Design Your Destiny in 2017, there have been clarion calls all over the world for me to follow up on how one can unleash one’s potential after designing one’s destiny. After two years of intensive research, I decided to put down practical guidelines from the lives of extraordinary people who have been able to unleash their potential by following their purpose.
One of the cardinal reasons why most people fail in life is because they don’t know themselves. When you know yourself, you’ll be able to unleash your God given potential. What most youths and adults fail to understand is that each of us carry seeds of greatness. The question now becomes how can you activate, elevate, and unleash it? To unleash your potential, this book will make you understand you have the remote control of your life through the activation of your call and vision.
Since my formative years, a question that always rages in my mind is the subject of destiny and why its force is highly significant to our lives. As a progressive mind, who is always deliberate in engaging himself in tasks that will deepen my understanding of life, I am glad to inform my dear readers that I have unlocked some principles that shape the destiny of men. These principles, as novel discoveries of my research, have been compiled into my second book with the title, “Unleash Your Destiny: 50 Nuggets for Living A Purposeful and Impactful Life.,” which I am delighted to share its Preface with you below:
The subject of destiny is one that many people find both interesting and intriguing. More importantly, it is a subject that resonates with the very core of our being, the raison d’être of our existence. This is why I have often devoted my messages – whether through my books, videos or other channels – to this all-important subject.
My first book, Design Your Destiny: Actualizing Your Birthright to Success, explores the fundamental principles by which anyone can shape an extraordinary and highly impactful destiny for themselves. This present book is a timely sequel, as it elevates the clarion call from designing to unleashing destiny in strategic, spectacular, and trailblazing ways.
I recall that after the publication of my first book, I had an insightful discussion with a revered and celebrated mentor of mine, whose deep intellectual dispositions and spiritual enlightenment always leave me in awe. That discussion proved to be a defining moment for me. He had begun by congratulating me on the success of my book. Thereafter, he proceeded to ask if I had plans to expatiate more on the subject of destiny.
Frankly, that question took me by surprise because I had thought the book was all-encompassing on the subject of destiny. My mentor, however, reminded me of the truism that the end of one mountain is the beginning of another. He then came out more plainly on what he thought I needed to amplify: “Everyone has their destiny designed,” he said, “it is the phrase ‘actualizing your birthright’ that I want you to further enlighten the world on. I hope you will be able to do that, because it is now your destiny to guide people on how to live their best life.”
After brooding on the challenge of my mentor for some days, I received further illumination on why a follow-up to my first publication was absolutely necessary. I drew inspiration from the word “birthright” that my mentor emphasized, and I interpreted it to mean that everyone is divinely created, ordained and endowed with the power and abilities to be of value to themselves and the entire human race. However, the pivotal determinant of the ability to add value and the extent of value that can be added is the nature of the choices and decisions we make every day. This was what informed the title of this book, Unleash Your Destiny: 50 Nuggets For Living A Purposeful and Impactful Life.
Since there is an inextricable link between destiny and choices, it goes without saying that we are where we are today because of the choices made yesterday – either by ourselves or someone else on our behalf; and we will be tomorrow where the choices we are making today will lead us. This is why it is vitally important to imbibe and personalize the principles highlighted in this book. Destiny is not about imitating or competing with anyone; it is about breaking your own limits, becoming a better version of yourself, and living your best life.
Here is a critical truth: No matter how fast you run in life, what has been divinely allotted to you will manifest at the appointed time that your Creator considers perfect to elevate you. However, making this elevation a reality is a product of how you live every day of your life. This is why some of the nuggets in this book are focused on certain inevitable truths about life, such as: Life is in stages, you are a work in progress, kick out that fear, run your race, trust the process, etc. These principles are meant to create a vivid description that will accelerate your energy and stimulate your interest to blossom in the wonderful life that God has designed for you.
On a personal note, the subject of destiny is one that comes with profound reminiscences and resonances, some of which are reflected in the contents of this book. Indeed, as I have come to realize, my decision to emigrate from Nigeria to the United States of America was only a foretaste of my decisive rendezvous with destiny. Between that time and now, I have increasingly gained clarity about my purpose, such that I am now living my destiny by adding values to myself and those who come across my way. Essentially, while my decision to emigrate might have been a way of designing my destiny, my choice to make every day of my life count for God and for humanity is a veritable way of living my destiny.
I urge you therefore to know that the ultimate benchmark for truly living your destiny is that how you choose to spend your days, weeks, months, and years must be in alignment with the calls your Creator wants you to answer, the problems He wants you to solve and the discovery He wants you to make. It is then that you can be proud of yourself and the lives you have touched.
Because I believe that making your life better than it is currently is your quest; because I know that your greatest pursuit in life is to be a source of inspiration to others (both far and near); because I see you as someone blessed with the power to raise other people’s hopes and give them reasons to live a meaningful life; because my spirit tells me that the candle to lighten the darkest corners of the world is being held by you, it is my great pleasure and honour to share these golden principles for living a life of endearing illumination and enduring legacies with you.
It’s your turn to transform the world!
Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator. He’s a Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate and creative writer. He’s the author of the acclaimed book Design Your Destiny – Actualizing Your Birthright. He can be reached via info@gloemi.com