Greetings to my beloved family. lt’s always a pleasure writing and doing what makes me happy. While some people find it difficult to read and write, I find it not only interesting, but fun. I can’t really explain the feeling  I get when l write.  l see myself not only as a creative writer, but as an inspirational writer. This is because l like to inspire,  l like to inform,  I like to enlighten and I like to see a better society where everyone is happy.  Therefore, because I have a family that listens to me by reading my blog,  I see it as an obligation to write and inform my esteemed tribe about contemporary issues prevailing in our society.

Today, we shall be discussing about one of the most important topics in life after salvation for those of you who believe in God – Family. This is because family is everything in life. Nothing is stronger than family. Family is like a bond. We shall be looking at the resourcefulness of family as it relates to making the world a better a place.

The success and failure of any society can be traced to the family. A lot of us fail to understand the importance of family. Many people place work, business, relationship, academic, over family, don’t get me wrong, they are all important, but the point I’m trying to pass across is that most of us have misplaced priorities.  We concentrate major energy on minor things and concentrate major energy on minor things. For example, some people work out their life by trying to impress their boss at the expense of their family mega company more than 24hours to advertise your position if they want. Such is life! Don’t get me wrong, work is important because without work you’ll have a hard time taking care of your family and your responsibilities.  The point I’m trying to get across is that, there should be moderation in all you do.  Furthermore, according to Reno Omokri, an accomplished author, he said “Work is an important thing; Money is an important thing; Fame is an important thing; Success is an important thing; Power is an important thing, but Family is EVERYTHING! You can beat this salient fact!

It is very important to note that God first established family in heaven through the first family (Jesus, Mary, and Joseph) and he then commanded man during the creation to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the space of the earth (Genesis 1:28). But it’s quite unfortunate a lot of people fail to understand the role of family in their lives due to vested interest.  It’s worthy to note that you can choose anyone that comes into your life (friends, wife, business partners etc.), but you can’t choose your family because it is God who chooses them to be part of your life.  I have often told my friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend all have an “end” but family ends with Ily meaning “I love you”.  That’s why the true success of is likely tied to the family.

In some social parlance, the success of any successful child lies in the prayers of their parents. It’s worthy to note that the fifth commandment in the Holy Bible is the only commandment with a blessing “Honor Your father and mother so that your days will be long.  When there’s love in the family, success is destined to radiate in the Family. This because family is like a broom. Family is unity. Family is love.

We live in a world where there’s lack of love, understanding, communication, and harmony both in the family and in the society. The reason is simply because proper foundation wasn’t laid in the family. The family is the foundation of life. The family is the nucleus of the world.  For there to be peace in the world, there must be peace in the family, for there to be love, harmony, understanding, business, academic environment and good human relationship in the society, the family is the foundation where all the nutrients are cultivated. This is because the family is the first place we experience such relationship. lt’s due to the absence of love in the family we have chaos, domestic violence, and hatred in the word. With my little knowledge and understanding of the legal profession, I learnt from Nnaemeka Agu J.S.C Without the institutionalized means of settling disputes through the judiciary, citizens will rise against citizens, communities will rise against communities, village will against village, brigandage, malice and hatred will be the action per day and it will be brute force per day”. I would like to say that, with love in the family, we won’t need the judiciary to settle disputes because family is the greatest asset and hope of the society.

To emphasize the importance of family, the first point of call during an emergency is the family. Whether the issue is an accident, the celebration of a success story, or even health or death, the family is usually the first point of call.  Even politicians know the importance of a family, that’s why they always seek for the support of their before they embark on any political campaign. When your family supports your political ambition, you can withstand the forces, but when they are opposed to your ideas, you’ll have a hard time succeeding despite having support from your base.  Furthermore, when you are in need, the world might neglect you, but your family is always with you in thick and thin, they’ll love and appreciate you. But when your family backs off, even the world will be cautious of assisting you.

We cannot overemphasize the importance of a family. The family is the first place we all experience love.  If you have everything in life and don’t have your family beside you, I’m sorry to tell you are empty because you don’t have anything. You are merely existing as opposed to living. For example, if you have any interest in marrying a lady of your choice interest and your family members are opposed to the plan, it will take the grace of God for you to overcome the challenge. No reasonable lady all things being equal, will even want to be part of any family that shows resistance to her, because of the challenges and subsequent consequences that is likely to befall her if she finds her way into the family.

Therefore, as a matter of advice, if you are not in a good relationship with your family please, do yourself a favor by reconciling with your family, because family is everything.

I hope I have been able to share my little knowledge and understanding by contributing my quota on this subject matter. Please feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think. Be inspired, enlightened, and informed by reading my little gift to humanity.  I remain your humble servant Henry Anyaehiechukwu Ukazu :). Cheers….

P.S f you have any topic of interest you would like me to speak on, please feel free to comment or reach me via Thanks.

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Henry Ukazu is a graduate of New York Law School. He is Founder and President at Global Empowerment & Mentoring Initiative. A trained life coach, prolific writer, and passionate youth advocate, he is also a highly sought-after public speaker. He is author of the acclaimed book, “Design Your Destiny- Actualizing Your Birthright to Success.


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