Dear Destiny Friends,

We are familiar with the slogan of Nike, which says “Just Do It”. It sounds easy at face value, but in reality, it portends a lot. This simply means that if it is easy, everyone will be doing it. The starting point of any worthwhile endeavor or task is very tasking. It’s just like laying the foundation of a house, where a lot of concrete goes into the ground to hold the pillars.

As humans, we have so many plans, ambitions, dreams, goals, and wishes which we desire to accomplish either at a specific time or before we leave the surface of the earth. Some of us even have great vision, but the question we need to ask ourselves is, am I ready to do the needful.

It is sad to know that many of us have great ideas which follow us to the grave. If I may ask, will you be happy to go to the grave with your talent, dream, money, and the blessings God, your creator has bestowed on you? Many people don’t know they have an assignment to perform on earth, and that it is their responsibility to fulfill their purpose. However, they failed to take the bold step and consequently remain in their comfort zone.

No doubt, the beginning of any endeavor can be challenging. Challenges come to everyone; even sailors experience waves while at sea, but they don’t give up. Challenges come to everyone both in their personal and professional lives. If you want to start a business, you need funds, experience, the right people, and logistics. Even if you have the funds, you will have one form of concern. You’ll quite agree with me that there’s the fear of the unknown lurking around because business on its own is at risk.

As a student, you are afraid of beginning a course/major; just begin. As a full-grown adult, you have the fear of getting married. As a person who loves to travel, you are afraid of traveling due to the fear of space, height or flying; I say, just begin.

One of the reasons many of us fail to begin any task is fear. But we fail to understand that when we begin, the universe has a way of meeting us halfway. Do you know that the universe conspires with you to bring your desires into manifestation? When you speak, the walls hear your words, the ground stamps and confirms it and the air carries it. As a single man, do you have an interest in a lady, approach her, send her that message, express your thoughts to her and let her know what you think/feel about her. You may be surprised to know she likes you and maybe waiting for you to take the first step.

Let me share a secret with you; did you know that when I began to write my first book, I had no clue of what to write, but because I took the the bold step of writing the topics, ideas began to flow, the more I write, read and engage with people both online and in real life, the more I began to see more concepts to incorporate into my work.

Do you know you are the solution and answer to many people’s requests, challenges, and prayers? The world has not gotten one-tenth of your ideas.

Do you know that many ideas go to the coffin just because of perfection? You can never have a perfect time to begin a project, that’s why it’s necessary to take the most important step which is ‘begin’.  You’ll be surprised to know how you’ll improve in a month, year, or even a decade when you look back.

Do you know you can literally begin an institution just by beginning a project or following up with an idea? The world celebrates Steve Jobs just because of his ingenious ideas in technology. The world celebrates Nelson Mandela because he fought for justice against the apartheid policy. Martin Luther King Jr fought against the injustices in America against the Blacks. The interesting thing about these great men is that they didn’t just conceive an idea, they took the leap of fate and had massive followership. I ask you, what are you waiting for?

It should be noted that you cannot improve on any task you haven’t started. Isn’t it true that most people learn to dance on their feet and not when they are on their chairs? That tells you, you must get up to dance if you really want to enjoy your dance. To run, you must stand up. So, in the journey of life, you may not have everything you need, but you have all that is needed and necessary to begin just where you are. The world is literally waiting for you. Just start.

Today, I ask you, what is that task that you are feeling reluctant to start? What is that business, idea, vision, book, music, dream, passion, etc. you are feeling uneasy to begin? I say to you, just begin and see how the universe will conspire to work in your favor.

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He’s a mindset coach and public speaker. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator. He’s the author of the acclaimed book Design Your Destiny – Actualizing Your Birthright To Success and President of He can be reached via

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Henry Ukazu is a graduate of New York Law School. He is Founder and President at Global Empowerment & Mentoring Initiative. A trained life coach, prolific writer, and passionate youth advocate, he is also a highly sought-after public speaker. He is author of the acclaimed book, “Design Your Destiny- Actualizing Your Birthright to Success.