Greetings Destiny Friends,

Today, we shall be discussing the fundamentals and foundation of success, and we shall concentrate on our biological parents. It’s important to note that our parents have a role to play in our success, but it’s quite unfortunate to note that most people don’t really know this.

If you ask a thousand and one persons what the requirements and price of success are, trust me, you’ll get a thousand one different answers. Some of the likely answers you’ll get are hard work, failure, keeping late nights and waking up early, dedication, smart work, persistence, networking, reading and researching amongst other factors. Yes, these are among the hurdles one will have to go through just to attain success. On a personal note, I experienced all of them before I published my first trailblazing book, Design Your-Destiny-Actualizing Your Birthright to Success, but I won’t attribute the success of my book to my smart work, no; my creator and my parents contributed to the success.

This article is tailored to make you understand that success can have a supernatural force attached to it. Just like mentors assist in facilitating the success of a mentee by introducing them to his network, advising and giving them practical guidance which can’t be learnt in the four walls of the classroom, our parents also have a role to play in shaping not only our success, but our future.

It should be noted that one can be successful without being fulfilled. Success is not only limited to money as what some uninformed minds believe, rather it is relative because what is success for one might be not be a priority for another person. It is just like the saying; beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

If you truly want to be successful, you need to know your purpose, but more than that you need to know the originator of that purpose because success cannot appear from the moon, it has to be planned and programmed like a circuit. For instance, if you want to know how Facebook works, you’ll need to ask Mark Zuckerberg, if you want to know how Microsoft works, you’ll need to reach out to Bill Gate, if you want to know how Ford Motors work, ask Henry Ford. In the same manner, if you want to know how you function you have to ask your creator.

Let’s take the conversation a little bit further; you didn’t appear from nowhere; somebody gave birth to you. In fact, a “union” took place before you were formed. The interesting thing about your birth is that you have some traits from your biological parents when your mother gave birth to you. Not only did they have their genes in you, they nurtured and trained you to be a rational mind before you came of age and decided the route to explore.

What most people don’t understand is that their success in life has a supernatural force attached to it. Some people feel their smart and hard work, academic grades, degrees, network and mentors are responsible for their success in life. No doubt they have a role to play, but that can be likened to hard success. The world has experienced cases where many people became successful with little or no effort. Even when asked how they did it, they simply say, honestly, I can’t really say, I didn’t expect my tweet will go viral neither did I expect my book or movie will win an award. The story can be surreal, but the reality is, it happened beyond human imagination.

The interesting and ironic difference here is that while most people might be thinking their hard work can be their arsenal, some other informed minds will tap into the blessing of their parents to succeed, thereby making them work less, but achieve more.

You may be wondering how parents influence one’s success. If I may ask you, are you not aware your parent’s genes formed you? It is the sperm from your father which fertilized your mother’s egg that made it possible for you to come into existence. Therefore, your biological parents made you, and if that is the case, won’t it be wise to say that, without their nurturing and training, it will be hard to be a responsible being? What most people don’t know is that the blessings of their parents have a lot to do with their success apart from the training parents give to their children. Your parent’s blessings can be a sort of grace, favour, unmerited opportunities and mercy from humanity if you truly believe in them.

On a personal note, sometimes, when I look at the opportunities I have been exposed to, I ask myself how I came this far to merit them without much effort. I simply attribute the success to two factors: God and the blessings of my biological parents inclusive of my late grandmother. Their words, kind thoughts, prayers, affirmations are truly priceless. As a matter of advice, if you are wondering why the lines are not adding up for you, please consider speaking to your parents if you are not on the same page with them, and ask for their blessings, trust you’ll be surprised to see how your life and business will turn around. Moral: Your creator gave the foundational keys of your success to your parents.

As parents, we owe it to our children to continually bless them. This is because you have the key to their fortune. No one has greater impact in their lives than you do. Your children may hear different affirmations from friends, mentors and associates, but they always have a different feeling of fulfillment when they hear it from you. Let’s take a case study of young girls who didn’t experience their father’s love, they’ll have to go outside to hear it from several men to know they are beautiful and deeply appreciated. And sometimes, they might learn in a hard way.

Many people have low self-esteem for lack of approvals from their parents. This low self-esteem affects their productivity at work, relationship and life generally, especially when their parents speak negative words to them. As a parent, when you tell your children how special they are, it carries a new weight than what other people tell them. Most of us have seeds of greatness waiting to be tapped, but it will be unleashed and cultivated when you parents do the needful.

Just to let you know how special your parents are in your life, imagine the feeling your child will have when you cheer them up in a competition, it makes them give their best.

In conclusion, as a parent, today, I charge you to unleash the blessings and prayers for your children, your words have a healing and soothing touch of excellence in their lives. Your words can be so endearing and heart-warming. As children irrespective of your age, please tap into the fountain of wisdom which is in your biological parents’ possession. Remember the African adage, “What an old man sees sitting down, nor matter how tall a child is, he can’t see it.

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator. He’s the author of the acclaimed book Design Your Destiny – Actualizing Your Birthright To Success and President of He can be reached via

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Henry Ukazu is a graduate of New York Law School. He is Founder and President at Global Empowerment & Mentoring Initiative. A trained life coach, prolific writer, and passionate youth advocate, he is also a highly sought-after public speaker. He is author of the acclaimed book, “Design Your Destiny- Actualizing Your Birthright to Success.


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