Dear Destiny Friends,
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value – Albert Einstein
Every man craves attention, approval, appreciation, and admiration. However, if these four cravings of man are to see the light of the day, one must be a person of value. It is the value you offer to the world that makes you get approval; your value will make the world to appreciate you; your value will make you to be admired. Even your enemy will seek for you.
Imagine a sick person, who needs to undergo a surgery, is told, that only Mr. A or B has the expertise to execute such surgery. If the person wants to be alive, he or she will have to seek the services of that person.
The word value means several things to several people. For a real estate agent, it means the price one can pay for a property; to an employer, it means the service an employee or contractor can offer; to a mentor or mentee, it means the skills or achievement they can offer or their achievement; to a married partner or someone in a relation, it can be what makes them unique because relationship comes with value, and to a company or an individual, it can mean that which they stand for.
For this article, we shall focus on how progressive minds can attract opportunities into their lives. It is worthy of note that the surest way to be rich or wealthy is to have a product or service. Don’t get me wrong, you can be successful with a regular 9-5 job, but when wealth is in the picture, one must have a product or service. Just to reinforce this point, all the billionaires on Forbes magazine have a product or service. None of them have a regular 9-5 job. It’s unfortunate to note that many people want to be rich or known in the world, but they don’t have any product or service to offer the world.
Value comes in different ways. Your value can be because of academic excellence, political relevance, influence, goodwill or social currency. In some cases, value can be the estimate of the monetary worth of (something). It can also be your opinion of someone or how beneficial a person or something is to you.
Value works in dynamic ways. What is valuable to someone might not be valuable to another person. If something is important to you, you will create time for it, just like one cannot be too busy for their family and friends. If someone is important to you, you will make an attempt to meet the person. There have been occasions where people travel thousands of miles to meet people, attend events, and buy clothes, or electronics, and even pay for first class treatment when traveling. The list can be endless. All these are intended to show the value they place on the person, product, or event. If you don’t like something, you won’t invest time and resources on it.
The word value cannot be overemphasized. Do you know that all the money one needs is in the hands and pockets of people and organizations that are around you or far from you. To make value work for you, you must offer your product or service to the right people. One may be wondering how this works. When you have value, the right people and even the world will seek you. Once you can locate your customers, you will be appreciated for the great work you are doing.
The surest way one can get these people is by giving them something of value and they will be compensated for the service or product they offer. For instance, as a Human Capacity coach, I am the author of several published books, I offer training on self-discovery, mindset training, youth development, and career and professional development.
When you offer people and organizations great value, you will be recommended and appreciated in addition to attracting better opportunities. Most people and organizations love to see value for the money they give out.
In conclusion, resolve today to discover what product you should sell or what service you should offer to the world to access their money. Your value must have a positive effect on the world as opposed to being negative. Your value must come with principles, ideologies, and most importantly, must solve problems.
Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator. He’s a Transformative Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate and creative writer Design Your Destiny and Unleash Your Destiny. He can be reached via info@gloemi.com